
Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Evaluation question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our film Click, our representation of young people subverts what is generally typical of them. For example, in the first scene the character Charlie is seen playing about with a lighter in a dark area, this immediately sets the tone for the rest of the film which shows the audience how different Charlie is from any other typical teenager. This is also apparent further o in our film when Charlie is walking behind both Gemma and Tom, showing how he subverts his typical representation as a teen because he isn't socialising with them at all, or even walking in line with them and this is shown though a point of view shot where Charlie is trailing behind. As well as this, Charlie is shown different 

through his own clothing in comparison to the other two characters. Tom is wearing a grey jumper and blue jeans, which in contrast to Charlie who is dressed head to toe in black which represents him as rebellious and mysterious ultimately subverting the typical representation of a teenager who are usually sociable and adventurous. 

However, towards the end of the film both Gemma and Tom behave in a way that supports their representation. When all three of them find the body, Charlie runs up to it (shown through another point of view shot signifying his deranged behaviours) which shows how normal the others are behaving. While Charlie is touching the bodies blood, Tom and Gemma try call the police/get help. This supports the typical representation of young people as they do not do anything irrational - they try to do the right thing.

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