The plot of our film involves the finding of a body by a group of 3 teens, Charlie, Gemma and Tom. Gemma and Tom are considerable normal and are characters who would be seen as typical and ordinary. However, Charlie is displayed to be more of a disturbing, unusual character, who has a strange obsession with a lighter. This is displayed from the start to show the lighter has significance in the storyline and can be portrayed as a representation of Charlie as he has a lighter during most of the scenes. Charlie, is later found to be a psychopath after the event of finding the body when with Tom and Gemma. This causes the plot to change significantly as he begins to have a further obsession with his lighter and a more obvious interest in dark subjects such as murder and death. This is a display of how out of the ordinary circumstances can take place and change how people perceive certain subjects and causes them to be shown differently in the film. Our film uses forms and conventions of real media products such as in Fight Club, Tyler, is later revealed to have a mental illness that causes a significant change in the plot and is perceived differently.
In our story, there are subtle signs of Charlie's dangerous side such as him not being phased by the discovery of the body and the lack of expression. This links to our title design as it is discrete and brief which is a representation of Charlie, as he creates a sense mystery and intrigue whilst at the same, lacks distinguishing characteristics apart from the lighter references. The little information combined with the non-dietetic music is designed to create tension and uncertainty, the lighter is used in most scenes to have a continuous level of suspense, caution and anticipation around Charlie. This is, to an extent, like other media products with the scene of mystery of other characters but, in most films similar to ours, have more clear features and display characters in a more obvious way, unlike ours which lacks information.
For the character of Charlie, we intentionally dress him in darker clothing to portray his dark side as well as his strange characteristics. This is done because of the lack of narrative Charlie has so the audience would require alternate information to understand, what is little revealed, of Charlie's character. The lighter is used in this particular scene to show his impatience and aggressive nature. These traits are commonly used in psychological thrillers as they are stereotypical of mentally unstable characters.
The other characters within our film are demonstrated to have a close, comfortable relationship whilst Charlie is shown to be distant and quiet. This is shown through this medium close-up shot as Gemma and Tom are shown a close bond, further emphasising Charlie's isolation. Despite Charlie having more screen time than all of the characters, his lack of dialogue is to demonstrate his lack of social skills.
In the last scene, when the body is discovered, we used significantly more close ups to show the shock and the change of mood amongst the characters. It was also to show emphasis on the lack of panic and his interest in the body. Charlie instead shows a no hesitation to investigate, to find the blood is "still warm" and he says "I think I knew her" to add further mystery. This is demonstrated through fast-paced editing and intense non diegetic music to impose discomfort on the audience which is very commonly used in thriller films. The use of diegetic sounds of birds in the background are to demonstrate the regular day that the teens planned to only find a plot-twisting discovery that will change the storyline. More close ups are then used to show the increasing concerns of Gemma and Tom for both the discovery of the body and the intrigue that Charlie displays.
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