
Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Iconography in Sports Drama

Iconography is when a film's genre can be recognised based on the appearence of an image from the film or anything representing it such as a logo or props.

A Sport- A sport based film cannot be what it is without a sport being shown, it instantly portrays that the film is sport based if it contains anything to do with it. Examples may include any iconic figures in sport or sport equipment such as a baseball bat or a football.

A Big event- Usually in a Sport film there is that one big moment in which the main character wants to step up and prove himself/herself. This creates a big story line in which the main character leads up to this very significant moment that means so much to them and would only mean better things from that point.

Success and Failure- In a sport film, there is always both success, and failure in which some characters are on the side of failure in which viewers would normally feel sympathetic for (unless they are demonstrated to be negative characters.) Success in sport dramas usually takes place at the end of films as the rest of the film demonstrates their journey getting there.

Money- Sport makes huge money nowadays and the biggest stars have the biggest endorsements with the best lifestyles

Nice Cars- The biggest stars in the game love to demonstrate their wealth and status with amazingly nice cars, films use this to, sometimes, demonstrate the importance of a certain character.

The Sport Fans-  The fans in sport films demonstrate events as important and portray to audiences watching the film, the pressure the character has on them, knowing they have to do their very best in front of all these people.

The big stake- In a sport film, there is usually something that the teams want desperately, whether this is promotion, winning a trophy or for pride, this is usually the biggest thing on the character's mind.

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