
Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Editing (within psychological thrillers)

Montage -
A montage is selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.A montage can be used in psychological thrillers in order to highlight key scenes which bring out tension and suspense and potentially create an overview of whats about to happen.

Match Cut
This editing technique is used between two unrelated scenes and in fact shows a relationship between them, this can be used in thrillers to create a deeper understanding for the audience of why everything is in relation to itself.

Flashback - 
A flash back cuts to scene set in the past , giving the audience an insight to what previously happened, this can show to audience why a character behaves a particular way or why something has happened.

Straight Cut - 
straight cut is an editing technique which allows one shot to suddenly end and the next shot to abruptly come onto the screen as well as allowing unnecessary footage to be removed or shortened. Straight cuts are used in thriller films to focus on fast paced scenes and lead us to the source of tension.

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