
Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Iconography - Psychological Thrillers

Iconography is being able to recognise a film based on one image, logo or symbol.

Image result for paranormal activity shadowShadows - these provide a psychological thriller with the 'on-edge' feeling as there is an uncertainty as to what that shadow is. Generally, when shadows are present, the protagonist is unaware of the figure behind them which creates this fear. One example of this is in paranormal activity.  

Running water - This is a very iconic factor in thrillers, it creates some discomfort and is a little sinister. It can parallel the draining of life (like in psycho) or parallel dripping blood.

Confined Spaces - This creates discomfort amongst audiences and makes them anxious as the audience will imagine themselves in that situation. This brings out the insecurities and fears that the audience hold. 

Image result for psycho shower scene
Knifes - These are the most recognisable icons regarding psychological thrillers. They portray the idea of violence and murder. A knife (or any sharp object) sets the tone for he film. An example of iconography is the shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho

Different kinds of recognisable props:

    • Blood 
    • Guns 
    • Drugs 
    • Everyday objects 
    • Mental Illness 
Image result for the purgeThese are used to stick to the general theme of psychological thrillers and they guide the audience and hit to when something bad is going to happen (like when a gun is shown on camera but hidden to one character on screen). The everyday objects help the audience imagine what they would feel like in that situation. An example of a recognisable prop is the masks from 'The Purge'. The anonymity that comes with the masks is scary for the audience, making them iconic. 

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